Olwynne Cade - Remember Who You Are

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Acts Of Love From The Otherside


In early 2000’s I was sitting in the lounge of a family in my capacity as a funeral celebrant discussing the service for the patriarch of the family. He believed in life after death and had planned his service accordingly.
We were all sitting around and I heard a voice speak to me. Looking at the family members there I realised that none of them had spoken the words to me. A bit startled I pulled myself together and got back on with the job at hand until I heard them again. It wasn’t appropriate for me to say anything to the family so I continued on as if I had heard nothing.
Later that evening I received a phone call from a family member who asked me what had happened in the room earlier that afternoon. He said he saw that something had happened and wanted to know what it was. I was very reticent to say as my work as a funeral celebrant was at the behest of funeral directors and funeral companies in no way supported such actions from their celebrants.
He insisted I tell him so I repeated what had heard. The message from his father meant something very important which was such a relief as grieving people are so vulnerable and easily upset by simple things let alone revelations of a message from a recently deceased loved one.
From that moment on the deceased father had my attention. I felt like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost. He didn’t leave me alone and even gave me instructions in the middle of the service.
After the service for a time he stopped communicating with me, but then he was back insisting that I contact the family member who had asked me what I had heard that day.
I told him there was no way I was going to do that. My work was done and I wasn’t going back into his life as I might upset him, but he was relentless. After days of his persistent voice in my head I made the call with my heart in my mouth. I asked if he was ok to be told that he was fine but his mum, the widow wasn’t as she was very distressed that her deceased husband was ‘back’ and frightening her with his presence.
She had no belief in life after death so to have him ‘back’ was a major issue for her.
She could hear him walking around in the house and he was waking her up at night among many other things he was doing to get her attention.
I went to visit her and we talked about what was happening for her. She was very distressed that he wasn’t resting in peace somewhere although she had no idea where that would be, and most importantly ‘why was he doing this to her?’
He told me to tell her that if she believed that it was him, then she had to accept there was life after death and if she did so, he would leave her alone. The upshot was that she did and he did. He wanted her to know that life went on beyond the death of the body. I never heard from him again.
Parallel to this happening I had officiated at another funeral for a man who had died and I received a phone call from his widow to tell me the same thing, that he was back and she was concerned. These families were linked through their children. I visited her with a couple I knew who were also experienced in the spirit realm and we witnessed the lights flickering and a picture move above the chair she was sitting in.
He was concerned for her as he had done most things for her when he was living. She had to be admitted to hospital soon after the funeral and he had returned to the family home to find she wasn’t there so he visited the daughter, who was able to connect with him, to be told that his wife was in hospital. The widow told me that he came to the hospital and stayed with her there and then followed her home.
There is nothing bad or evil about any of this. Nothing Hollywood about it. Just two men who loved their wives enough to show them that they hadn’t died as we know it, but had transformed back into the soul self that goes on beyond the flesh and physical of this life.
These are acts of great love on their part. Thank goodness that there were people who were open to be able to help them get their message across and to help their widows know they were still loved and supported by their deceased husbands and life goes on after death of the body.

Until next time when I Write From My Heart - Olwynne.