Olwynne Cade - Remember Who You Are

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Just Be More Of Yourself.

My children would often hear me tell them, “If you want to see who you really are then have a look at your friends." I wanted them to learn that they will attract to themselves that which they are being. Whilst sharing this pearl of wisdom with them, I was also learning to apply it to myself. I can truly say that it served both me and my children well.

I believe that we attract people to us to reflect us back to ourselves, so that we can see who we really are being at any given moment. I told them that if they were leaning towards the dark side then they would be attracting people who reflected that aspect of themselves. If they were living in the light they would attract light minded people.

There are some grey areas in this too. It's not all light and dark. However, if we are not sure about where our life choices are leading us, then best we take a good look around us and see who is in the river of life with us right now.

My hubby Jon and I have a spirit friend called Jim, who comes and shares his wisdom with us. He was incarnate here until about 20 years ago, having spent of most of his life as a clergyman.

I spent time with him recently and this is what he had to offer.

"Tell people to be more of themselves. Tell them they are not broken or out of balance. That they are having a normal human experience. No one needs to be fixed or healed.

Q: I asked Jim - what if they are sick or in a very dark space?

A: Tell them to look into themselves and see what this experience is really trying to show them.

No one came here to feel well and blissfully happy all of the time. If they wanted that experience they would have remained in spirit. Tell them to check in with their hearts. That is where their true purpose lays. Be more of themselves and less of what they perceive others want them to be.

Actually no one wants another person to be something or someone they are not. That is only a perception. What we are really looking for is something or someone to validate us to be truly ourselves.

That being so, we try to get others to be like us and believe what we believe, which only leads to pain and disappointment especially when people move on from where we are or we grow and change leaving them behind.

Have unconditional relationship experiences with each other, without fear, conditions and expectations.

Come together with likeminded souls or don't. That is your choice. You can choose to have superficial associations with others who also choose the same experience. There is nothing wrong with that. It is, like all things, a personal choice. Or you can seek deep meaningful experiences.

In other words, whoever you are being, you will attract those who are like minded, so it is important to decide who you want to be and what sort of relationships you want to experience. Whatever path you choose, welcome each person into your life without any expectation of what they or you need to change, in order to be together and that organically you can build a relationship experience that is joyful, fulfilling and soulful for both parties. Whatever you choose just be more of yourself."

Thank you Jim.

May you always shine brightly
