Olwynne Cade - Remember Who You Are

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Listen To The Children For They Remember Who They Are

“Some children say that they have been here before. They give various details about previous lives, often describing the way in which they died. Of course, young children say a lot of things, and we may simply think that they are fantasizing as children often do. But what if, in a number of instances, people listened to the children and then tried to find out if the events they described had actually happened? And what if, when those people went to the places the children had named, they found that what the children had said about the past events was indeed true? What then?”  This is a paragraph taken form Life Before Life by Jim B Tucker M.D - St Martin’s Press. Jim B. Tucker is a child psychiatrist and Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. His main research interests are documenting stories of children whom he claims remember previous lives, and natal and prenatal memories.

Each of us have been children. We could not be here if we had not been a baby/child. As children we are close to our spiritual self. Our memory is still mostly intact.  You may not remember now but I venture to say that you told the adults around you at the time that you saw or felt spirit, or perhaps you had memories of your most recent life which was discounted as a flight of fantasy or your making up stories. Not wishing to have their disapproval or be punished for what you saw you shut down those feelings, visions or memories and gave yourself over to the human way of life. You gave up any belief that you were ‘spirit being human’ or that you had lived before and would live again. It is what we do to survive and is what we have done throughout our many lifetimes to ensure our survival. 
My work for the present is to help us remember who we are. To remind people that reincarnation is not a flight of fantasy and not some make-believe made up notion that comes from crazy people.
Reincarnation is the most fundamental element of our lives. It answers all our questions about why we are here, our purpose, how our lives play out, life after death, life before life, and life between lives.  
The knowledge that we have lived before in many lives use to be a normal part of our belief system. It still is in many eastern philosophies. The coming of Christianity and the Council of Nicea, circa 325 AD, heralded the beginning of our memory loss of who we are and how we came to be here.  
Our fear of reprisal, torture and grizzly death, brought about our amnesia.  It is understandable that with the introduction of fear as the primary tool, we would soon forget that we were spirit being human, with a direct path to ‘God’ and that there was no hell, only ‘heaven’ in spirit.  Fear is still a huge ‘amnesiac’ when it comes to repressing our feelings, memories, and our ability to truly be ourselves.
In the past 2023 years there have been many dark times as we have sought to find our way back to the light. We could say that those before us in history have paved the way for us to be here now, living with the freedom that they struggled and fought for and I totally agree.
Further, I would say, “We were our forefathers. We were there in those lives fighting for our freedom to remember who we are.  We lived before and were the revolutionaries of the many ages who were perhaps burned at the stake or put to death for our beliefs. We were the visionary women and men who stood up for what we remembered – that we are spirit being human and that we are eternal, and no one can take that from us. We dreamed then of a time when we could truly be ourselves without fear or reprisals or death. We could gather, speak, share, celebrate and embrace our knowing that we are more than flesh and blood and have lived before and will again. In the words of Thomas Banyacya Sr - we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ” 
Until next time when I Write From My Heart