Keep Shining Brightly

Keep Shining Brightly.

Belief in one’s self is paramount to manifesting what one desires. Without belief, one has nothing but doubt and fear.

How do you achieve this? Trust that you are eternally connected to your soul self in spirit and surrounded continuously by those in spirit who want nothing more than to see you succeed and prosper on every level.

Throughout my years as a theatrical Director, I told my cast that an audience wants the performer to weave their magic and deliver an enthralling performance that allows them to feel exhilarated and enriched by their experience.

They do not want to cringe and crawl from the theatre feeling embarrassed and left wanting, so deliver your finest work at all times.

Magic is what transforms one's life from average to truly splendid. Connect to your true self - your divinity - and watch the magical transformation take place. No one can take your spirit/soul from you.

No one can slight the spirit in you.They can't diminish your true self because it is just not possible. It is only your ego self that feels harmed, diminished, wounded or affronted in some way.

You have the means and the power to manifest whatever you can imagine, so imagine away.Trust that what you see and feel is true. Trust in your divinity and guidance from spirit. Ask and you shall be given. Seek and you shall find.

A word of caution - Be mindful of your asking. Don’t send your thoughts and ideas out there with fear and conditions attached to them, because you will get back what you sent out.

Test your manifestational power. Focus your thoughts and imaging on something simple and allow it to come to you free of fear and conditions. You will be astounded by the results.

Your memory of your divinity has been strongly tempered by religion, ignorance, the fears of others and the struggle for power and in order to constitute your survival, but you no longer need to do that anymore.

Be brave and bold enough to stand in your full power at all times.

Dullness of spirit and your unwillingness to shine brightly keeps you from your true life path, and your fear of being great is what holds you in a state of suspension.

The full power of your being is what you need to reconnect with and there's no better time to start than now.

Invoke the powers that be to bring to you that which you need and desire. Then stand back and watch the heavens move to make it happen before your very eyes.

Don't allow your perceived limitations hold you in a state of poverty and victimhood. Living with your limitations, which have been placed upon you by others who also live in this state,

leaves you with no choice but to bring forward the ego self who will argue for your limitations and feel the need to compete, conform and fight for your survival.

Your divine self knows no limitations. It lives in complete boundlessness and abundance needing nothing from any other person or soul, because it knows that it has access to everything itself,

which cannot be taken away by another for their aggrandisement.

Allow yourself the greatness of feeling your spirit fill you with healing light and joy and experience the full bounty of your being.

Open yourself up to your higher power, your soul self in spirit, to your guidance and connection to those who walk with you from the spirit and higher realms; this requires nothing less than complete surrender of the ego and total commitment to the soul’s purpose.

May you always shine brightly - Olwynne

A Daily Chakra Healing Practice will help you reconnect and stay connected to your higher self and your guidance from spirit.

Check out my Daily Chakra Healing Practice online course. It’s life changing.


Hello From The Other side


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