Olwynne Cade - Remember Who You Are

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I Dreamed Of A Time – We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.

We say that we want to leave behind a world that is free from prejudice and fear,
that is clean and organic…
I put to you that you are not just leaving this world to the children of today
​but to yourself of tomorrow.
What you create today you will find on your return.
©Olwynne Cade 2014 

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For is the title and final line of a piece of powerful wisdom by Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1910-1999); Speaker of the Wolf, Fox and Coyote Clan, Elder of the Hopi Nation. (see end of blog)
When I read his words I feel a resonance deep inside me as if I have been spoken to by something very ancient and powerful. The words speak to me across time and space as if I was calling to myself from all my lifetimes, to remember why I had been born, lived and died, and why I am here now.
To incarnate here is a courageous decision made and acted upon, by all of us. It is one of many leaps of faith we consciously make along the path of our souls’ journey.
Why do we make this journey you may ask? Because we can and we want to and it’s how we learn and grow as a soul. Each day of our lives is an act or courage and determination.
I know now that I was going to need a lot of courage to live this life I had chosen.  It would take everything I could muster to get through the early years and what got me there was my dream of a better life.

​As a child in the '60's, I listened and watched Dr Martin Luther King as he fought and campaigned for equal rights. I felt his passion and unwavering commitment to his noble cause paving the way for people no matter the colour of your skin to be treated with love, dignity, respect, humanity and equality. His words still speak to me today.

   ‘I have a dream.’ Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr.

I dreamed of a time as a child, when my home would be free from violence and we could get some help. Where society wouldn’t turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the cries of women and children who were living in fear of violence and abuse with nowhere to turn and no one to listen. Secret keeping was part of our survival kit as was being vigilant and playing small.
Thankfully the time has come where we are consciously more evolved and we can seek help, understanding and recognition to change our lives should we choose to do so.
* Here in New Zealand, those who need assistance can now get benefits to help support themselves and their children. There is recognition of their situation and help available from so many sources to assist women and their children to leave their battered lives far behind. Perpetrators of violence and abuse are brought to account and can also seek help too to learn a new way to live their lives that doesn’t harm those closest to them, should they choose to.
I dreamed of a time when women wouldn’t have to hide in shame if they had a child out of wedlock and give that child away because society frowned upon the woman and the child but never the man. 

I dreamed of a time when men who violated innocent underaged girls and left them pregnant would be easily brought to justice without the girl having to be dragged through the mud or it was all swept under the carpet. I dreamed of this time because that was me at age 14, scared, alone and pregnant.
I dreamed of a time when my mother’s words wouldn’t ring in my ears, “that after what I had done no decent man would want me”. So I chose my relationships accordingly, until I finally saw the love in myself, for myself and the consciousness of society had changed enough that my ‘shameful actions’ were no longer such a terrible moral crime.

Women of today are having children alone and out of wedlock. They are raising their children without the prejudice of the masses and surrogacy is an accepted part of our lives.
The time has come now to heal that gaping wound in my soul and the souls of other woman and children who have carried the burden of society’s judgement. I have thankfully been reunited with my daughters who have grown to become beautiful women.
I dreamed of a time when we could learn to use our power with love having learned very early on in this lifetime, what it was like to live in a powerless situation. I decided that being powerless didn’t serve me and I was not going to live a powerless life. I needed to be courageous even though I felt scared to death.
Living a courageous life is not just about going to war or doing dangerous deeds rather it is having the courage to stand up for something that needs to be changed. It's about having the passion and vision to imagine a time when acts and beliefs that cause harm to ourselves and others will be brought to the light and will no more hold us prisoner to those who perpetrate them. To live a meaningful life requires courage and belief.
I am reminded of this saying as I write…

‘Courage doesn’t always roar.
Courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that's saying,
I will try again tomorrow.' Mary Anne Radmacher

I dreamed of a time when there would be no more abuse of power over children. Where children had a voice. I dreamed of a world where abuse of children by those who had power over them was no longer acceptable and that those who chose to prey on the innocent would be brought to justice. That time has come as we witness the bringing to the light of the abuse of the children and the world is horrified and so it should be.

I dreamed of a time that would allow myself and other like-minded souls the freedom to embrace our spiritual beliefs without fear of death or persecution.

I dreamed of a world where there was equality of opportunity for everyone. A world where we are free to express our true selves without fear of reprisal. This is a work is progress with huge inroads being made around the globe. Long may it continue.

I dreamed of a time where we would accept each other no matter our colour, race, gender or sexuality. With courage and perserverance we are finally making progress. Let's not give up the fight.

Change is about our willingness to want a better life. A more healthy happy and spiritual life. It is being more consciousness of our intentions, how we act upon them and how that affects consciousness of all that is.
It is challenging enough to get through each day but to affect change we must step up another notch and live with passion, act with purpose and be mindful of our thoughts and feeling and conscious of our intentions before we act upon them. 
For every action there is a consequence. The intention behind that action will determine the outcome of the consequence. Some call this Karma. The law of cause and effect. But that subject is for another time. I want to leave this world a better place than I found it. For me leaving this world a better place when I depart, is not just about a clean green earth free from pollution, it is about how I lived this life and the impact my actions and intentions had on all things I come in contact with.  
I've had to do a lot of soul searching for my actions have not always been saintly. I have hurt others by my selfish fear filled ways.
I believe in reincarnation, that I have lived before this lifetime and that I will live beyond this one. Maybe in all our lifetimes, our desire for change caused us to act in some way that has brought about the changes in this one. I hope so.

I want to leave behind a world where we’re more aware of each other. Where we take responsibility for ourselves. Where we don’t have to compete with each other for power and use our power with love as opposed to our power without love. Both are equally powerful. That to me is a sign of spiritual maturity.
I am heartened by the opening of our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that are available to us as we see ourselves and each other as souls on a journey together through time and space.
I am so pleased that what I could only dream of has in most part become a reality. It was all worth it. 

There is no better time or place than now to embrace our spirituality in our own unique way. There is still so much more to do.
We must seize the day. We are the idea whose time has come and we shouldn’t hold back from the pursuit of our truth… that we are spirit being human and that we have lived before in many times and places and will continue to do so.  We are our own ancestors and will become our descendants.  That no one sits in judgement of us when we die, and that our natural state is love, peace, joy and forgiveness. 
I believe we don't have to go through anyone to find God or The Is or whatever name you may give the divine consciousness to which we all belong; we are already in direct contact with whomever we need to help us on our journey.
There are no need for trappings to express our divinity, we are all we need. Our arrival into the earth plane was humble. The only physical trapping we had was our body and we leave that behind when we depart. What we do leave is our imprint on everyone and everything we come in contact with.
Since we first took shape on the Earth plane, when faced with adversity and strife, we dreamed of a time when that will not be so. Acts of power without love are no longer acceptable in our family, our community, country or the world at large. If enough people become willing to be open minded and raise their awareness of themselves and others, then change will happen without violence or force.
All it takes is one person to ignite the flame and then pass it to others who have the courage to light a torch from it and pass it on to others with love, hope and faith.
It is time to stand in our power and embrace the lives we have chosen to live for We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting for. We are the voices and hearts of those who can bring about change. It is never too late to make a difference. ©Olwynne Cade 2016
​Keep shining brightly.
Olwynne Cade

We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For
Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1910-1999);
Speaker of the Wolf, Fox and Coyote Clan
Elder of the Hopi Nation

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.​