Olwynne Cade - Remember Who You Are

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What To Do When Your Emotions Are 'Running With Scissors.’

I don’t know about you but the past 4 years have sent me off on trajectories I never knew existed and I have visited inner and outer world places I never thought I would get the opportunity to go to. Whatever your journey through these challenging times, I hope you have found time to reflect and find the growth in them.

During this time I felt it best to be the observer, to sit out of the fray and watch from an omnipresent point of view. This was a new place for me to find myself and one that allowed me to feel peaceful and keep my level of fear and distress at a very low level.

It doesn’t mean I didn’t have a POV (point of view), quite the opposite. My POV was to take in information from all places and see what resonated with me and what didn’t.

When my emotions running with scissors, (behaving with reckless disregard for ones sanity or safety), I find it best to stay quiet and keep out of the mix. Adding any more fear or frustration to an already saturated situation is not of service to the greater good or to my sense of wellbeing.

No matter my own choices, I felt I wanted to support everyone regardless of their choice or POV, however I have to add a caveat to this; I will not support abuse, bullying, nastiness, threats or acts of violence towards anyone. No matter who they are or what the circumstances may be, it’s so important that we respect each other's way of being, in spite of however much we want them to see it our way or how threatened we feel by what they have chosen to do.

As a therapist/teacher, I asked many people who were struggling with the situation the Covid pandemic had put them in, the following question; "When was the last time you felt this level of fear and emotion about a situation in your life?"

Every one of them could easily recall a time or incident in their past when they felt they had lost control of their life, lost their power, felt threatened by something or someone and they were there again now.

The Covid pandemic and mandates were triggering unresolved 'stuff' from their past in this life and in previous incarnations.

Jon (my hubby) was thinking about people’s responses to the resignation of the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern; how polarised some people have been by her premiership and he was reminded of what spirit once said to us, "There are only two responses to any given situation: Love or Fear. Every action, choice or response is a derivative of one or the other if you drill back far enough in this life or a previous incarnation."

I know this is a very touchy subject but I feel compelled to say that how we respond to anything is not about another person, or the situation, but entirely about us and the responsibility for how we respond is squarely on our shoulders.

Through my inner reflections, I came face to face with my own past choices and how I responded to all of the situations in my life thus far. Many weren’t pretty to reflect upon and left me with much to consider. While others were worthy of joy and celebration, I looked deep into myself with a view to understanding the choices I had made because of the pain and fears that ruled me, not only this life, but others that I was working through in this lifetime. This is still a work in progress.

I will share this with you from my own experiences. Whenever you feel fear, or any derivative of it, before you say or do anything, stop, go inwards and ask yourself, "What is the root cause of this feeling? Why do I feel this way about this situation? Do I need to say something or write something here and if so why? Am I better to step away and be the observer for a bit and see how this plays out?"

I first wrote this blog two years ago and I have been reworking it for some time to make sure of what I really wanted to say, along with, "Am I brave enough to address this spiritual lesson through the Covid lense?" Obviously I felt it important enough to share or you wouldn't be reading this.

More importantly, in writing it, my many trains of thought and feelings have helped me examine my own motives, feelings and intentions, and I'm really happy that I chose to open my pandoras box and let them show themselves to me.

I invite you to push pause when you have been triggered by something or someone so you can ask yourself, "what this might be about for me?" If you can stop yourself spiralling into the emotions of what has triggered you, go inwards, follow the feeling and see what comes for you. Don't overthink it, feel it.

I hope this gives you some food for thought as it has me.

Until next time when I 'Write From My Heart.'

Keep shining brightly and make 2024 the year to 'remember who you are.'


While you are here, check out my Therapies, Daily Chakra Healing Practice Online Course and other Write From My Heart Blogs here at www.olwynnecade.com